[January 14.2023]
Menu tab
-Desing updated
-Improved hotkeys system
-Added "Lock hotkeys"
-Added Rcs on/off
Settings tab
-Removed hotkeys list
[December 24.2022]
-Added cheat status box
-Added error handling (Error 06 usually means that the cs go has been updated)
-Improved "client close system"
[December 22.2022]
Configs/Load config by hotkey tab:
-Removed 4 configs
Menu/misc tab:
-Added rcs custom on/off hotkey
-Removed Chams & Glow esp "off" hotkeys.
[December 4.2022]
-Cheat fixed
-Auto update system fixed
[November 12.2022]
Monitor tab:
-Added trigger rcs
-Fixed overall little things
-Auto-Update system updated ( offsets )
[July 23.2022]
-Fixed triggerbot
[July 2.2022]
-Fixed cheat
[April 15.2022]
-Fixed triggerbot hotkeys text boxes
-Trigger RCS improved
[February 15.2022]
Monitor tab:
-Fixed rcs on/off text
Triggerbot tab:
-Added trigger burst ( Triggerbot burst: Higher value = Longer burst )
-Standalone rcs moved to misc tab
[January 1.2022]
Free version features disabled:
-Aimbot tab
-Trigger aim
-Fire rate
[October 16.2021]
-Fixed crashing
[October 9.2021]
-Fixed cheat
[September 23.2021]
-Fixed cheat due game update
[September 4.2021]
-Hotkeys list moved to settings tab
-Hotkeys system improved
Menu: Fixed Afk mode "Random"
Client: Fixed changelog
[July 8.2021]
-Fixed glow esp
Load config by hotkey tab:
-Added 2 config more
[April 18.2021]
-Client improvement
-Fixed "No icon and 0 Kt size"
[March 14.2021]
-Fixed some errors
-Fire rate improvement
-Added Fire rate key
[March 6.2021]
-Added fire rate & Fire rate value ( Better accurary when using aimbot )
-Added Auto pistol
-Added hotkeylist button
[March 3.2021]
-Fixed cheat
[January 22.2021]
-Fixed cheat
-Menu: Added label for config
-Monitor: Added label for aimbot vischeck
[October 30.2020]
-Added Aimbot visibility check off
-Fixed aimbot
[August 15.2020]
-Fixed Trigger aim
-Fixed overall little things
-Security improved
-Removed Auto scope feature
[July 4.2020]
-Fixed some errors
-Improved afk-bot
[June 7.2020]
-Added download latest version button ( Direct link )
-Improved client
[May 11.2020]
Misc tab
-Added Hotkey select list ( Easier and faster change hotkeys )
How to use
If we want change bhop key (1) Select hotkey (2) double click bhop hotkey textbox
Aimbot tab
-Added Checkboxes for aimbones
-Added "aim at" text ( Shows your aimbone )
-Fixed: Client wont close automaticly
-Added announce text ( Coming visible when cheat is disabled / broken)
[April 20.2020]
-Auto-update (No need to update offsets anymore)
[April 11.2020]
-Fixed client "export latest offsets" button
[April 4.2020]
-Net-External Glow is now free
-Improved client offsets export button ( Gives you correct offsets )
-Added panic key for close cheat & game
-Improved code
[August 24.2019]
-Added many custom keys for aimbot & other features
-Now you can "bind" your own config to hotkey for fast config change
-Cheat will make hotkey configs.ini file ( Dont Remove )
-Added labels for custom hotkeys ( Easier understand )
-Fixed chams colors ( Now you can change colors )
[August 2.2019]
-Added RCS Value
-Fixed lock offsets
-Fixed Standalone RCS
-cs go updater file removed
[July 14.2019]
-Added custom hotkeys for randomize aimbone
-Added afk mode ( Stand, Jump, Default: right <> left )
-Fixed some errors.